1-1 In-Person Coaching
Coaching sessions are held in the gym, in the park, or at your place. We use what we have at our disposal to get you the outcome you need. Tell me about your change, let me figure out the process, follow it, and revel in the outcome.
This is a tailored service which allows you to take some (or all) elements of our ‘NoFail’ online products to create something specific for you. Click for more details.

Small Group (2-4 people) In-Person Coaching
Same as above, except you get to share the experience and train with your family, friends or colleagues. Keeps you more accountable and challenged while allowing you to split the cost.

‘No Fail’ Online Coaching
What is now my gold standard. You have a change, you want it to stick.
Great, let me figure out the process of how to get there in a 3, 6, 9 or 12 month window and then never worry about it again. Full accountability and support. Work out where you want, when you want. With our ‘No Fail’ guarantee for those who struggle to stay on track remotely.
We continue working with you if you don’t hit your outcome we mutually agree. Or you get a refund in full.

Curated Programmes
Based on my years of experience working in fitness and behavioural change, I have developed experience and a reputation for delivering specific outcomes. I then turned these into programmes you can follow, from A to B.
A great starting point especially for those who don’t require specialised coaching on a one-on-one basis.
– How to start eating for YOU
– From 40 to Abs: how to get your body fat down so you can finally see those abs for the first time
– 180 Evolve: you’re at your wits end and the stress is piling up. This programme takes you on a journey to turn it around in 6 months: Movement, Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress, Sleep (MENSS)

Corporate Wellness
I did things in reverse in a way. I started sports coaching, went into delivering these sessions to corporates, and then expanded into personal training. I’ve been with corporates longer than most and have the advantage of having worked in these challenging environments within financial services for many years.
I understand the challenges, what programmes help, and what I can deliver to add value.
– Personal Training for your employees
– Group classes for your employees (choose from the likes of strength training, boxing, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, functional movement, mindfulness, and HIIT). Every class is run by an expert in their field.
– Interactive Seminars/Webinars: How to improve sleep, how to diet, what to eat for breakfast, and hope to reduce workplace stress. We have delivered over 60 seminars and curate these specifically for you
– Lunch and Learns – quick 30 minute to 1 hour presentations on how to optimise your health
– Pop-Ups: usually a half day or whole day event focused on promoting an area of wellness or service your employees might find beneficial. From drop ins on how to use a swiss ball, what’s all the fuss about massage guns, massage workshops, and flexibility assessments.
– Team Days: let us run a fun sports day event for your company or team. Think of it as school sports day for adults. Fun yet competitive.

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